Kabupaten Lamandau Kembangkan Wisata Air Terjun Palei Kodan
Ditulis oleh andri kurniawan , Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009
Kabupaten Lamandau, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) untuk meningkatkan pendapatannya telah mengembangkan obyek pariwisata seperti air terjun Palei Kodan. "Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kalteng menyambut gembira pengembangan objek wisata air terjun di Kabupaten Lamandau itu, " kata Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Disbudpar Kalteng, Aida Meyarti, SH di Palangkaraya, Senin (13/7).
Menurut dia, air terjun di tengah rimba Kalteng itu menawarkan berbagai kenyamanan, hutan dengan air yang mengalir deras di antara bebatuan gunung. Para wisatawan dapat sejuknya hutan dengan ratusan spicies tanaman, dan menyaksikan aneka satwa yang ada di wilayah tersebut, katanya. Wisatawan bisa menikmati segarnya alam pegunungan, dengan mandi di lokasi air terjun yang berjeram.
Aida Meyarti menjelaskan objek wisata ini berada di kawasan perbukitan Kecamatan Bulik yang jarak tempuh dari ibukota kabupaten Naga Bulik sektar 55 kilometer. Air terjun Palei Kodan sering sekali dikunjungi masyarakat setempat sebagai tempat rekreasi sembari menikmati panorama alam yang masih aseri itu, katanya.
Keberadaan objek wisata diantara beberapa objek wisata di Kabupaten Lamandau akan terus dikembangkan dalam upaya menarik lebih besar lagi wisatawan ke kabupaten baru Kalteng itu.
Di Kabupaten Lamandau memang menawarkan aneka jenis objek wisata, seperti wisata agro dimana terdapat perkebunan kelapa sawt yang begitu luas. Objek wisata lain di kabupaten ini, terdapat Riam Tapin Bini, Batu Batungkat, Betang Ojung Batu, aIr Terjun Siukam, wisata budaya ke rumah betang, serta menikmati berbagai kesenian masyarakat setempat.
================================================================ Develop Lamandau District Waterfall Tour Palei Kodan Written by andri kurniawan, Sunday, August 2, 2009 Lamandau District, Central Kalimantan Province (Central Kalimantan) to increase their income has developed a tourism activity such as waterfalls Palei Kodan. "Office of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Kalteng warmly welcome the development of a tourist attraction in the District Lamandau waterfall," said Head of Tourism Destination Development Disbudpar Kalteng, Aida Meyarti, SH in Palangkaraya, on Monday (13 / 7). According to him, waterfalls in the jungle of Central Kalimantan, it offers all the comfort, the forest with the water flowing between the rocks of the mountain. The tourists can cool spicies forest with hundreds of plants, and watch the various animals living in the area, he said. Tourists can enjoy the fresh natural mountain, with a shower in a waterfall rafting locations. Aida Meyarti explain this tourist attraction located in the hills district Bulik the capital city mileage of 55 kilometers sektar Dragon Bulik.Waterfalls Palei Kodan often visited the local community as a place of recreation while enjoying the natural scenery is still aseri, he said. The presence of several tourist attractions in the District Lamandau will continue to be developed in an effort to attract even more tourists to the new district's Central Kalimantan. In District Lamandau does offer various kinds of tourism objects, such as agro-tourism where there are coconut plantations sawt vast. Another tourist attraction in this district, there is a cascade Tapin Bini, Stone Batungkat, betang Ojung Stone, waterfalls Siukam, home betang cultural tourism, as well as enjoy many local arts community.
Kehadiran Nokia N8 yang diberi nama alias Vasco ini bener2 bikin setiap orang yang denger pasti terkesima! Aku gak lebay, kalo kamu gak percaya berikut reviewku selama seminggu memegang gadget tahun ini!
Kita mulai dari fitur yg paling kusuka :)
1. USB on The Go
Tinggal colok USB Flashdisk ke Vasco via kabel data pendek yg udah disertakan di paket pembelian. Semua file trmasuk lagu2 di flashdisk bs diputer dan di copy/paste langsung ke Vasco. Malah kabarnya ada yg pernah nyoba nyolok HDD 1,5 TB (TerraByte) ke Vasco dan masih jalan!
Diperkirakan bakal booming n jd tren gadget2 di thn 2011 hhaha
2. Kamera Digital 12 MPx with Carl Zeiss lens
Udah ga usah repot bawa2 camdig, cukup Vasco aja. Hasil gbrnya bener2 halus n tajem! Shutter speednya jg cepet, gak ada tuh loading pas kita jepret gbr
3. Xenon Flash
Nah, kamera yg ciamik td disupport oleh Xenon Flash yg biasa dipake di kamera2 konvensional kebanyakan. Jarak pancarnya max 3,5 meter. Bener2 kyk lg bawa kamera beneran kan?
5. AMOLED 3.5 inch LCD screen
Gambarnya bener2 tampil ciamik! Enak dilihat mata, adem n padet
6. HDMI port
Punya TV full HD? Pas bgt colok beginian, kalo TV ane masih tabung jaman kuda, jd ni port buat pajangan aja dulu dah smentara nabung beli TV full HD
7. Dual charging port
Sekarang udah bisa di charge via micro USB, jd bisa pake charger BB juga eh tp jgn salah, di charge pake charger Nokia jg msh bisa lohh krn ada 2 jenis lubang colokkannya, sekaligus di satu hape ini
8. Download 4 juta lagu GRATIS!
Dari mulai Christina Aguilera sampe Keong Racun bs di download GRATISSS via Ovi Music Store (tentunya hrs punya akun Ovi dulu ya) disediain cuma2 sama nokia indonesia
9. Anodized Aluminium Casing
Bukan skedar casing aluminium biasa, tp udah melalui proses anodisi yg bikin selembar aluminium 10x lebih kuat dr baja! Tp ane ttp gak mau nyoba2 ngebanting ni hape
10. FM Transmitter
Dengan fitur ini agan2 bisa 'ngebajak' saluran radio di mobil untuk mainin lagu2 yg ada di Vasco agan. Tinggal aktifin FM Transmitternya, setel channel radio nya sesuai dgn channel radio yg lg main n pengen agan bajak itu trus Play lagunya, deketin ke radio nya itu (lebih efektif klo antenna radio nya dlm jarak deket dgn Vasco)
11. Symbian ^3
OS terbaru dr Symbian, bnyak perubahan disini trmasuk 3 jenis tampilan Home Screen yg bs diganti2 hnya dgn menggeser kiri-kanan, atau fungsi Option yg digantiin hnya dgn menyentuh-tahan pada file dimaksud
12. Accelerometer
Diputer horisontal, maka layar pun ngikut tiduran.. istilah kerennya Motion Censor
Fitur standard:
1. Video Call Camera
2. Light Censor
3. MicroSD slot
4. HSPA & HSDPA connection
5. Bluetooth A2DP
6. Jack Audio 3.5 mm
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Tanjung Puting National Park has several ecosystem as lowland tropical rain forest, dryland forest, freshwater swamp forest, mangrove forest, coastal forest, and secondary forest.
The Park is dominated by lowland forest plants like jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea sp.), keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.), and rattans.
Endangered and protected animal species inhabiting Tanjung Puting National Park, include the orangutan (Pongo satyrus), proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), maroon leaf monkey (Presbytis rubicunda rubida), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus), lesser Malay mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus klossii), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis borneoensis).
This Park was the first place in Indonesia to become a rehabilitation centre for orangutans. There are now three orangutan rehabilitation locations, Tanjung Harapan, Pondok Tanggui, and Camp Leakey.
The orangutan of Kalimantan has dark reddish fur and no tail. As they get older, the adult males cheeks flesh out, resembling cushions. The older they get, the bigger these cheek flanges grow, giving them a fierce look.
The security post
-Kosasih - Borneo Orangutan
Kosasih the monster orangutan came out of the jungle to meet me.
from : http://www.flickr.com/photos/
How to reach the Park:
There are severalCities from wher flights to Pangkalanbun city can be done, such as from Jakarta, Semarang, Banjarmasin, and Pontianak city. For flight schedules, please contact your nearby travel agent or direct to our company. From Pangkalanbun it is almost a hour drive to the harbor of Sekonyer River which streams in-to the heart of Tanjung Puting National Park. At the harbor Klotok Houseboats with sleeping facilities are available. Interesting locations/attractions: Tanjung Harapan is the first station in the orangutan rehabilitation process. Situated in the midst of secondary and swamp forest, it has a guesthouse, an information centre, and trails. Pondok Tanggui: orangutans that have passed the semi-wild phase are moved to Pondok Tanggui. There, they are closely monitored from a distance, and human contact is avoided. Camp Leakey: founded in 1971 in the middle of primary forest, this is the location for semi-wild and wild orangutans, and for younger orangutans from birth until three years of age. Natai Lengkuas is a bekantan research station, and watching other animals along the river.
Exploration and Characterization of Orchid Plants in Central Kalimantan
M. Sabran, A. Krismawati, Y.R. Galingging, and M.A. Firmansyah
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, South Kalimantan
Economic value commodities that are commonly found in
Central Kalimantan is the orchid. Various species of orchids
rare numerous in primary forest in Central Kalimantan.
Rare orchids are often hunted by people who have
hobby of collecting various types of orchids. Existence
forest exploitation and timber industry is increasing
and the opening of forests to plantations and settlements
transmigration, the species of this rare orchid
feared to be extinct. To protect the orchid species
endangered needed exploration and
characterization with the objective to preserve the species of orchids
from Central Kalimantan. From the collected results of this activity
ex situ orchid plants as much as 30 accessions.
Keywords: Orchid, exploration, ex situ conservation.
Ornamental plants are important throughout
history of human civilization. Since the first plant
ornamental widely used to express
feelings as well as ingredients to add
beauty of the environment. Various tribes in Asia,
Africa, and Latin America still preserve customs
the use of ornamental plants to brighten
traditional ceremonies, religious, and celebration days
national large. At present, when life
people began to settle, the use of ornamental plants
become popular (Hasim and Reza 1995).
One of the important ornamental plant species in the world
is the orchid. According to botanists, the world's
there are more than 30,000 species of orchids. In
Indonesia, estimated orchid germplasm
more than 5000 species (Rukmana 2000), approximately 80%
genera and species of orchids are in the area
Asean (Amiarsi et al., 1996).
Orchids of the family Orchidaceae are
one of the many flowering plants scattered
and diverse in the world. Members of this tribe
can be found worldwide, except plain
dry sand and the area which is always closed
snow. Orchid species found in the world ranges
between 17000-35000. Contribute Indonesian orchids
orchids in the world big enough repertoire. From
20 000 species of orchids are scattered throughout
world, 6,000 of which are in Indonesian jungle
(Widiastoety et al., 1998; Sandra 2002).
Orchid is an ornamental plant that has
high aesthetic value. Shape and color of flowers
and other characteristics unique to
special attraction of this ornamental plant species
so much in demand by consumers, both in
domestic and foreign. The preferred Orchid
is in the form of cut flowers and plants
Kalimantan is the third largest island
in the world. The island is considered as an island
fruits but could also be described as an island
orchids. Lamb (1991) in Chan et al. (1994)
has been estimated that 2500-3000 species of orchids
found in Borneo, or 75% of plants
Malesian orchids. From this figure, 30-40% in
among them are thought to be endemic in the island
this. According to Wood and Cribb in Chan et al.
(1994) recorded more than 1,400 types of orchids have
Amiarsi, D., Syaifullah, and Yulianingsih. 1996. Composition
soaking solution is best for orchids
Dendrobium cut Sovia Deep Pink. J.
Horticulture 9 (1) :45-50.
Chan, C.L., A. Lamb, P.S. Shim, and J.J. Wood. 1994.
Orchid of Borneo Vol I: Introduction and Selection
of taxa. The Sabah Society.
Hasim, I. and M. Reza. 1995. Chrysanthemum. PT the groups.
Jakarta. pp. 31-42.
Holttum, R.E. 1957. A revised flora of Malaya Vol I:
Orchids of Malaya Government Printing Office.
Rukmana, R. 2000. Orchid cultivation months. Publisher
Canisius. Yogyakarta. pp. 90-10.
Sandra E. 2002. Make a diligent flowering orchids. Agro
Media Library. pp. 1-2.
Widiastoety, D., N. Solvia, and Syafni. 1998. Embryo culture
in Dendrobium orchid. J. Horticulture 7 (4): 860 -
image from link blogspot : JUPRIYANTO Kuala Kapuas Kalteng
iiiimage deskripsion :
MENTANGAI "(which is the dominant character of whiteness) of this title that we give for our plants. Mentangai is the name of the City in Central Kalimantan, because according to information that an orchid is a native of Central Kalimantan. Orchid is able to survive up to three months, and when it fertile in a single flowering stem to more than three flower stalks, like the one in one of these photos. All private collections, this orchid likes and likes the morning sun and afternoon shade during the day. We treat our plants very carefully, although I think this is a plant that attacks stubborn resistance when compared to orchids months. mentangai addition we also collect type of dendrobium orchids, tiger orchids (sugar cane), orchids months. But ..., this is all still learning stage, so still need to touch the hands and knowledge of a more professional touch.