Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012
Dayak Maanyan
Madagascar Embassy staff RI Thorough Ma'anyan Dayak Culture
Tamiang LAYANG - Linguistics or a language, and it indicated Ma'anyan Dayak culture has in common with the country of Madagascar. This is what attracted the attention of the Embassy (Embassy) RI in Madagascar to conduct research in the District of East Barito (Bartim) the majority of Dayak Ma'anyan original language.
"Staff Embassy in Madagascar named Anggorono Nurcahyo come to our region to conduct research and comparisons between our cultures and Madagascar," said Secretary of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Bartim Coat Sila when encountered in the region of Central Kalimantan Post Taniran District Five Continents, Wednesday (20 / 6) afternoon.
According to him, in reference to the search, was found a few references are almost the same as the culture of Madagascar. For example, there are about 30 to 50 percent in linguistic equality. It seems to trigger the Embassy, as well as some elements in the world to find out the cause of these similarities. Even to find common ground and a match of 100 percent, the Embassy do a comparison and reference in a region called the Gumi Jari Janang Kalalawah.
Apparently the form of statues in the country, also has similarities with the Bartim. "Indeed it is 100 percent not been proven valid, but of linguistics we have in common, living culture and DNA, and if it has a match, it means our culture is a close relative with the Malagasy ethnicity," he said. But the researchers are still wondering, what the public transport used by the ancient Dayak Ma'anyan to migrate to Madagascar. Because the Dayak community, tend to be not the type of sailor at sea.
That's what will be the subject of research to find such a match. The man was smiling added, it has also facilitated by the Embassy of Madagascar in the Museum Lewu reviewing Hante and Houses Betang. In fact, it also provides documentation and visualization of cultural dances and Dayak Ma'anyan to make an assessment and comparison with those of Madagascar. (Did_)
from ? http://www.kaltengpos.web.id/?menu=slide&id=1703
Tamiang LAYANG - Linguistics or a language, and it indicated Ma'anyan Dayak culture has in common with the country of Madagascar. This is what attracted the attention of the Embassy (Embassy) RI in Madagascar to conduct research in the District of East Barito (Bartim) the majority of Dayak Ma'anyan original language.
"Staff Embassy in Madagascar named Anggorono Nurcahyo come to our region to conduct research and comparisons between our cultures and Madagascar," said Secretary of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Bartim Coat Sila when encountered in the region of Central Kalimantan Post Taniran District Five Continents, Wednesday (20 / 6) afternoon.
According to him, in reference to the search, was found a few references are almost the same as the culture of Madagascar. For example, there are about 30 to 50 percent in linguistic equality. It seems to trigger the Embassy, as well as some elements in the world to find out the cause of these similarities. Even to find common ground and a match of 100 percent, the Embassy do a comparison and reference in a region called the Gumi Jari Janang Kalalawah.
Apparently the form of statues in the country, also has similarities with the Bartim. "Indeed it is 100 percent not been proven valid, but of linguistics we have in common, living culture and DNA, and if it has a match, it means our culture is a close relative with the Malagasy ethnicity," he said. But the researchers are still wondering, what the public transport used by the ancient Dayak Ma'anyan to migrate to Madagascar. Because the Dayak community, tend to be not the type of sailor at sea.
That's what will be the subject of research to find such a match. The man was smiling added, it has also facilitated by the Embassy of Madagascar in the Museum Lewu reviewing Hante and Houses Betang. In fact, it also provides documentation and visualization of cultural dances and Dayak Ma'anyan to make an assessment and comparison with those of Madagascar. (Did_)
from ? http://
Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012
one again good blog : KALAWEIT
JULY 12, 2012
Siamang release
Bonne nouvelle pour les siamangs : Kalaweit Sumatra se prépare à relâcher une dizaine de familles à la fin de l’année ou au début de l’année prochaine à Sumatra ! Une première mondiale!
Kalaweit Sumatra is working to release 10 siamang families (first time ever) at the end of this year or in the beginning of next year in Sumatra !
Kalaweit Sumatra sedang mempersiapkan pelepasan sekitar 10 keluarga siamang (untuk pertama kali di dunia) di ahkir tahun ini atau di awal tahun depan.

Devenez un Ami de Kalaweit !!! Faites un don de 5 euros par mois.CLIQUEZ /// Please become a friend of Kalaweit, give 7 usd every month. CLICK HERE
JULY 1, 2012
20 years

Il y a juste 20 ans (Juin 1992) je rencontrais mes premiers gibbons… Si nous ne célébrons pas vraiment cette date, c’est pour moi l’occasion de remercier toutes les organisations et les personnes qui soutiennent Kalaweit. Grace à vous, mon rêve est devenu ma Vie, et je peux continuer (après 14 ans déjà en Indonésie) avec mon équipe, à travailler au quotidien pour sauver mes amis gibbons et protéger des espaces forestiers. Un grand merci.
Twenty years ago (June 1992) I met my first gibbon… Even if we are not celebrating this date, it’s the occasion for me to thank you all organizations and people who are supporting Kalaweit. Because of you, I can (still after 14 years in Indonesia) working every single day with my team to save gibbons and the forest. Thank you.
Dua puluh tahunyang lalu (Juni 1992) saya bertemu owa-owa yang pertama dalam hidup saya. Walau pun ulang tahun ini tidak di rayakan, ini tetap menjadi kesempatan untuk berterima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu Yayasan Kalaweit. Dengan dukungan anda, setelah 14 tahun di Indonesia, saya masih bisa bekerja setiap hari untuk menyelamatkan owa-owa dan melindungi hutan. Terima kasih.
Organisations qui soutiennent Kalaweit / Partners:
SECAS, One voice, Jardin BIO, BioParc Doué, Parc de Clères, AFDPZ, Zoo de Saint Martin la Plaine, La Boissiére du doré, Aves France, Zoo de la Palmyre, Zoo de la Londe, Planète sauvage, La ferme des crocodiles, Zoo de Sanary-Bandol, Le Parc des félins,Touroparc, Cerza Conservation, Zoo de Trégameur, Veolia, SOS crocodiles, Zoo des sables, Zoo de Lyon, Le parc de Gramat, Zoo de la Barben, Timba Conservation, Zoo de Jurques, Parc du Reynou, La Bourbansais, Arcus Foundation, Zoo de la flèche, Splio, Zoo d’Asson, Parc du Reynou, Tendua, Escales,AB1, Beur FM, Animaux, 1% pour la Planete, Lush, MCM, etc...

Devenez un Ami de Kalaweit !!! Faites un don de 5 euros par mois.CLIQUEZ /// Please become a friend of Kalaweit, give 7 usd every month. CLICK HERE
Labels: International news
JUNE 29, 2012
AFP video and article
Video from AFP about the Kalaweit Radio (in French) :
Video de l'AFP sur la radio Kalaweit :
Video dari AFP tentang Radio Kalaweit (dalam bahasa Perancis) :
Article about The Kalaweit Radio (in english) :
Article sur la radio Kalaweit (en anglais) :
Artikel tentang Radio Kalaweit (dalam bahasa inggris):
Labels: International news
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