Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Environmental Activist Central Kalimantan transformation of Forest Decline

Environmental Activist Central Kalimantan transformation of Forest Decline

Environmental activists in the province of Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) is incorporated in the Save Our Boreno (SOB) and Forum for Environment (WALHI), Central Kalimantan, refuse alihfungsi local forest.

Therefore, they urged the Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan refuse disposal permit application of forest area and forest land use permit approval for the proposed number of plantation companies and local mining.

SOB Coordinator Nordin said that forest clearing will only exacerbate the destruction of forests in Central Kalimantan, while rehabilitation efforts are minimal. It also conflicts with the commitment of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is determined to continue to reduce emissions.

Nordin also confused over change of attitude Central Kalimantan provincial government recently gave permission recommendation proposal to the Ministry of Forestry. In fact, during the Governor Agustin Teras Narang always remind regent / mayor for delaying the granting of licenses, especially those who enter the forest, until later Provincial Spatial Plan (RTRWP) Kalteng completed.

"We ask the provincial government continue to consistently maintain the forest in Central Kalimantan," he said. (*)
Posted by Hadi at 21:44 Monday, April 19, 2010

  Labels: Environmental Activist Central Kalimantan Forest Decline Alihfungsi

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Sembuluh Lake

Sub Sembuluh Lake is one of the core kecamantan where it has thirteen Villages are: Lake home, Sembuluh II, Cempaka Baru, Palingkau, eject Stone, paren, Banua Obsolete, Sembuluh I, Bangkal, Terawan, Salunuk, Tabiku, and Lanpasa . Located in wiyah Seruyan District, Central Kalimantan Provensi.

Sembuluh Lake is a lake in Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Central Kalimantan with an area of 7832.5 ha and has a length of 35.68 km so far. This lake is home bermuaranya rivers large and small, such as Kupang, Rungau, and Ramania. In the vicinity of the lake which covers 2424 km2, there are several villages, namely Sembuluh I, Sembuluh II, Bangkal and Terawan. To reach the lake from the capital of Central Kalimantan, can be achieved using ground vehicles as far as 240 km to the Sampit, and from Sampit to Bangkal village 80 km. From Bangkal Village, Lake Sembuluh can be reached by motor boat about 20 minutes.

The potential of this lake is a sandy edge of the lake so it can be used as a haven and tourism, fisheries potential is high, and there are several villages on the fringes of the lake. This large lake Sembuluh also includes several small lakes as a water tributaries in the form of smaller lakes with the river flow back into the main stream or river and die. Species of fish found in this lake is the goby fish, cork-Gabusan, jelawat, seluang, Sepat, lais, baung, Botia, toman, tabakang, and Tapah. Some of the activities carried out around the lake include shipbuilding industries, coffee and rubber plantations pertenakan, as well as fishing and aquaculture cages.
Posted by Hadi at 6:12, (Wednesday, July 29, 2009)

Dayak Dance


Dayak tribe is one tribe that is rich in tradition and culture, including dance. Various types of dance comes from Dayak tribes from various regions in Borneo. This is only a small part, there are many more types of dances from the sub-sub tribe Dayak other.
1. Gantar DanceDance depicting the movement of people to plant rice. Sticks describe pounder while bamboo and wood grain rice seed described therein and recesses.This dance is quite famous and is often expressed in welcoming guests and events lainnya.Tari is not only known by the Dayak tribe Tunjung but also known by the Dayak tribe Benuaq. This dance can be divided into three versions of the dance Gantar Rayatn, Gantar Busai and Gantar oppressed / Gantar Kusak.
2. Dance Kancet Papatai / Dance WarThis dance tells the story of a hero of the Dayak Kenyah war against his enemies. The movement of this dance is very agile, nimble, energetic and sometimes followed by cries of the dancers.In Kancet Pepatay dance, dancers use traditional clothing Dayak Kenyah equipped with tools of war such as saber, shield and armor. This dance is accompanied by song Sak Paku and only use the instrument Sampe.
3. Ledo Kancet Dance / Dance GongIf Dance Kancet Pepatay depict male virility and strength Dayak Kenyah, otherwise Dance Kancet Ledo describe the gentleness of a girl like a rice snaking gently blown by wind.This dance is performed by a woman wearing traditional clothes Dayak Kenyah and on both hands holding a series of tail feathers hornbills. Usually the dance is danced on a gong, which is also called Dance Kancet Ledo Gong.
4. Dance Kancet weldsDescribes the daily life of hornbills, birds that glorified by the Dayak Kenyah tribe because it is considered as a sign of greatness and heroism. Dance is a dance single weld Kancet Dayak Kenyah women the same motion and its position as Dance Kancet Ledo, but the dancers did not use a gong and hornbill feathers and also the dancers use a lot of humble position and squatting or sitting with knees touching the floor. This dance is more emphasis on movements when flying hornbills and perch perched on a tree branch.
5.Tari LELENGThis dance is about a girl named Utan Along that will be married by force by her parents with a young man who was loved. Utan Along eventually fled into the forest. Dance of Dayak Kenyah tribe girls danced to the accompaniment of singing this song LELENG.
6. Dance HudoqThis dance is performed by using a wooden mask that resembles a wild animal and using banana leaves or coconut leaves as cover the dancer's body. This dance is closely connected with religious ceremonies of the Dayak ethnic groups and Modang Bahau. Dance Hudoq intended to gain strength in overcoming the destructive pests of plants and expects to be given fertility yields a lot.
7. Hudoq We Dance 'Dance of Dayak Kenyah tribe is in principle similar to Dance Hudoq from Bahau and Modang Dayak tribe, namely for the ceremony to welcome the year of planting and to express gratitude to the god who has given a good harvest. The contrast between Hudoq We Dance 'and Dance Hudoq on costumes, masks, dance movement and accompaniment music. Dancer costume Hudoq We 'use the long sleeves of plain cloth and wearing sarongs, while ordinary people face-shaped mask that many decorated with carvings typical of Dayak Kenyah. There are two types of masks in dance Hudoq We ', which is made of wood and that a veil made of beads with ornaments Dayak Kenyah.
8. Dance SerumpaiBenuaq tribal dance is performed to reject the outbreak of the disease and treat people who are bitten by mad dogs. Called Serumpai dance because the dance accompanied by musical instruments Serumpai (a type of bamboo flute). A we utilize and manage it.
9. Tari Belian BawoBelian Bawo ceremony aims to resist disease, cure the sick, pay vows and so forth. Once transformed into dance, this dance is often served on special occasions receptionist and other art events. This dance is a dance of Dayak Benuaq.
10. Dance KuyangA dance of the Dayak tribe Belian Benuaq to expel the ghosts that keep large trees and tall so as not to disturb people or people who cut down the tree.
11. Dance of Little KinaThis dance describes the movement of Dayak Kenyah tribe who move from the Apo Kayan region (Kab. Bulungan) to the Long Segar (Kab. Kutai Barat), which takes many years.
12. Dance DatunThis dance is a dance with the girl Dayak Kenyah with an uncertain number, perhaps 10 to 20 people. According to history, dance together was created by a tribal chief in the Apo Kayan Kenyah Dayak named Nyik Selung, as a sign of gratitude and joy over the birth of a grandson. Later this dance developed throughout all the provinces of Dayak Kenyah.
13. Dance NgerangkauDance dance Ngerangkau is customary in the case of death of the Dayak tribe Tunjung and Benuaq. This dance uses the tools of rice pounder who rammed-knock on a regular basis in a horizontal position, giving rise to a certain rhythm.
14. Baraga Dance 'BagantarOriginally Baraga 'Bagantar is belian ceremony to treat infants with begging for help from Nayun Gantar. Now that this ceremony has become a dance composed by the Dayak tribe Benuaq.
Let us together to preserve the culture that has been inherited by our ancestors.


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

District Lamandau

District Lamandau
Lamandau District is one district in Central Kalimantan province. The capital of this district is situated in Nanga Bulik. This district has an area of 6414 km ² and a population of 47,969 inhabitants (census 2000).
Lamandau is one of the new district division of the District of West Kotawaringin (Kobar) under the Law. 5 of 2002, that the launch on August 4, 2002 with capital of Nanga Bulik. This district is the only district that starts expansion of a district or not through a change in the status of the Administrative District.
This district was part of West Kotawaringin County, on April 10, 2003 issued by the Law No. 5 Year 2003 on Inauguration / Expansion 8th District, the District of West Kotawaringin split divided and added to the Lamandau and SUKAMARA
GeographyGeographically Lamandau District which includes three sub-districts located at 1 ° 9 '- 3 ° 36' south latitude and 110 ° 25 '- 112 ° 50' East Longitude.
The total areaLamandau District has an area of 6414 km ² which is divided into 3 subdistricts, 3 Sub-District and 79 villages.
Boundary regionDistrict boundaries Lamandau include:It borders North Ketapang in West Kalimantan, Seruyan Hulu, Seruyan, and North Arut, West Kotawaringin.Sub Arut south by South and Central Districts cascadeWest Ketapang in West Kalimantan.Meanwhile, bordering the Eastern District of North Arut in West Kotawaringin District.
TopographyWhile the topography Lamandau District, consisting of wetlands, lowlands, highlands and hills, also fed by rivers that became large and small arteries in the region's economy

DemographyLamandau County residents numbered 52,165 people comprising 13,084 households, with a population density of 8 inhabitants per km ², and the level of development as much as 1019.
Source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabupaten_Lamandau

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Seven Most Beautiful National Parks on Kalimantan Island, Indonesia

 by Yovita Siswati on 26/01/11 at 1:11 am

Like Sumatra and Java, Kalimantan Island is rich in natural resources. Located in the centre of Indonesian archipelago, the island comprises of very diverse ecosystem. Several national parks established on the island provide protection for various species of endangered animal.

Kayan Mentarang National Park

Located on “Apau Kayan” mountain trails plateau at the border between Indonesia and Malaysia, Kayan Mentarang National Park is the largest untouched rainforest on Kalimantan Island. With a total area of 1.6 million hectares, the park mainly consists of lowland rainforest. This park is the home of some protected species of mammal and bird including Bornean Gibbon, Proboscis Monkey, Clouded Leopard and Rhinoceros Hornbill. Thousands of people of the local tribes of Dayak and Punam often make their settlement inside the park. They live from shifting cultivation and hunting wildlife. Visitors may sometimes stay in their settlement.

Tanjung Putting National Park

Tanjung Putting National Park is the natural habitat of the famous endangered species of orangutan, a species of ape that bears close genetic relation with human.  For the rehabilitation of orangutan, four research centers have been established in the park. 29 species of mammal, 200 species of bird and 17 species of reptile endemic to the island of Kalimantan such as gibbons, leopard, hornbills, monitor lizard and pythons also make their home within this national park.

Totaling more than 400 thousand hectares, the park forms the largest protected swamp forest in South East Asia. The ecosystems consist of dry land, swamp, heath, mangrove and coastal forest.  In 1977, the park is declared as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Today, illegal mining, illegal logging and land conversion have damaged 40% of the total area of the park.

Kutai National Park

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Murung Raya Dance :

BEAUTIFUL KALIMANTAN: VKY 2010 : Posted by Rio Setiawan Migang under Pariwisata

Central Kalimantan (Borneo) to day part-2

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